Saturday, November 2, 2013


As Orphan Sunday Approaches,
We wish to Celebrate EVERY DAY
That Restoration is a Miracle
And that it is within our Midst
Available to EACH Heart that searches and hungers and cries out for
Justice IS Jesus
And, we see HIM here Restoring us each and all.
The process of Adoption just allows us to have a front row seat to the
Of His Handiwork
As HE makes EACH OF US
Each day, we are experiencing the answer to all the questions and struggles that injustice brings...

THE Author of EACH story,The HEALER, The Perfecter, Loving Advocate, One True Father making a Family for Himself, THE WONDERFUL(and only perfect!) COUNSELOR, The One who places the lonely in Families, The Deliverer, The Truest Friend, Justice,Kindness Personified, The GREAT Creator of those WONDERFULLY MADE....

And He Dances in Love and Powerful Anointing in His War for Our Hearts
As He Sings Over Us

What a Miracle Restoration is!!
He is Making ALL Things ~ and People New
In His Perfect Time
as He Sets the Captives FREE
To Leap, To Dance, To Speak, To Breathe, To Love, To be Loved, To Know, To Sing!!
Come Join the Dance...

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