Sunday, April 19, 2009

Flip Floppin' and Shoes Update!

Flip, Flop
Flip, Flop

Within the last 24 hours of posting this about the need to collect shoes for our mission trip--we have had SO MANY donated from a contact at the company "Soles to Souls" that we no longer need to ask for shoes!! Amazing God!! We are so thankful.
Please do look at the P.S. in this post to see if there is anything there you might gather up for very needy children and adults. We are waiting to see how God will bring in those items.

Hey, Everyone! I hope you are having a great Spring weekend!! :)

Our Mission Trip to Ethiopia and Uganda is about 9 weeks away now. I am deep in preparations for the VBS aspects of the trip--what a joy!

I'm going to be posting needs of the orphans and nationals we will be visiting on our trip.

First, Shoes! Ashley and I are very aware of the need of good shoes for children in Africa. Without coverage, they are in danger of disease and parasites. Some children are not allowed to go to school without them as well. Walking ,sometimes long, distances is a huge part of daily life and the need for shoes obvious--yet not always readily available to many children--especially as they might be growing out of one size into the next.

We would like to collect as many shoes as we can before leaving for Africa. Could you help us? We will be in-gathering new and used shoes Newborn-adult with our focus on children's sizes. We would be thrilled to bring new flip flop type or sandal type or croc-like shoes with us in June. Feel free to contact us if you would like to gather some for children who really have next to nothing. Also feel free to drop them by our home. Every little bit is a gift to Jesus--really significant.

Thank you!!

Much Love, Gillian

P.S. needs: Another need is for women's clothing sizes 0-6. The Ethiopian nannies we met on our last trip only made enough income to sustain life--about $20.00 a month. Clothing would be greatly appreciated. We also are collecting children's clothing to take with us.

Also--if your church's Sunday School classrooms have any extra teaching material that they would like to donate--that would be wonderful!! We are especially hoping for flannel graphs and materials to gather up to leave behind for continued discipleship of the children we will be serving. Many of them have very little to no biblical/educational materials. Simple books, music cds, anything to help these orphanages would be such a help.

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