One Thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To Behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple. Psalm 27:4
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Half ~ Mast
Yesterday, we were drinking in time with our Anderson. Our 5th grader had asked if he could join us on errands ~ just him. We got to watch him save the day for an elderly woman as he lead her to the "Trash Pack" toys for her grandson. We happily joked around the aisles, mostly inside boy jokes with DAD! As we got a coke at a local restaurant I pointed out the flag at half mast for the tragedy at Sandy Hook. As we drove out of the parking lot and started driving around our town, he really clued in to this honor and the understanding of collective grief, especially as he began spotting flags on building after building...and even flying from residences...
We grieved as we drove...speaking about the happenings of the week...and Anderson was feeling as deeply as we were...
We shared that this reminded us of another day. We shared with him of 9/11, when he was just a tiny 5 month old, ...that day when we heard ...and we tore ourselves away from the surreal images on t.v. of the smoke and the ruins...I was with a precious neighbor friend and her baby from next door as the buildings had fallen and now, we could not go our own way...we stayed together, yearning to pour out in grief and prayer...So we made our way that day to the only place that made sense...our church sanctuary...Through piercing grief and heavy shock, feet heavy, vision blurred through tears ... There, at the front of the empty sanctuary room, my dear friend and I bent down to sit on the carpet way in the very front...beyond the pews...almost on the stairs at the front leading up to the pulpit. We placed our babies on little blankets together and scattered toys and pacis over them to busy them while we bent low... and buried our faces in our hands... We made two round circles of tear marks on the red carpet that day as we sobbed into prayer, weeping the trevail of a Mother's heart. The Bible I used that day still has the wrinkles from grief's rain on its pages... Meanwhile little Anderson and his best baby friend drooled up at us, kicking their feet and chewing on their hands...looking out at us through great big eyes... and pulling on hair and clothing damp from tears...They seemed so...serene...unusually "knowing" for their ages ... quiet,...just waiting on the Mommies... And their innocence was ministry as we buried our heads into their little necks and could not help but smile even through our tears over all this preciousness,innocence, and was the awe and the light in so much sadness...little in stature...priceless in nature and value...We thanked God for Life.
In the weeks to come, all through America, there were flags hanging half mast, signs made by children on the glass windows of doors, dazed and tear-stained neighbors at the grocery store,...and more flags than I had ever seen lining the streets of neighborhoods. We all mourned together. It was powerful. And it was incredibly comforting to know that my family in Washington D.C. as well as in Florida and Delaware were all sharing this time in similar manner...
Now, in the car, Anderson's thoughts, soberly, quietly were on Sandy Hook and the children there, and the families, and we shared about what it may be like to lived through such ordeal and then to be able to SEE such support for you all around you,for YOU and to know this same care was throughout the entirety of the country as well.
"Look, guys, there's another...and another!....Oh, look at that one over there at the church with the Christian flag underneath, and one at the bank...and the apartment community!..."
He sighed, "I hurt for the brothers and the sisters and for the moms and dads...and the grandparents...and the friends too." He turned back to spotting and pointing out flags...still very deep in feeling and thought...
"But Mom, there's something I just don't understand."
Anderson sat forward in his seat, stretching against the seat belt to get closer to us.
"I really just don't understand it."
"What, Anderson?"
"Well, you know the other day...when we went and prayed outside that big clinic for God to save those babies?"
"Well, why is there not a flag at half-mast for every one of their lives? I mean...if 3,000 or more babies are dying every day with abortion...then...
I JUST don't get it..." He said really quiet but strong,
"...where is the mourning for them?
Cause there should be flags for them..."
Why is the president not ordering flags for those children, guys?
America needs to do something great like this for them."
He slumped back on his seat, cloudy...counting the flags...
Friday, December 14, 2012
"Keep on Going Son..."
matter how dark it gets...darkness cannot overcome light. "And The
Light is shining in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it."
(John 1:5)
I spent a light-filled day, today at our faith-filled school among the little children in the 3rd grade class. They are lit up from deep within by this true flame that comes from their faith in a living God. I had the privilege on the playgro
I spent a light-filled day, today at our faith-filled school among the little children in the 3rd grade class. They are lit up from deep within by this true flame that comes from their faith in a living God. I had the privilege on the playgro
und today to work through a real problem with aggression...when a group of them ran to me to sort out an injustice.
There they all stood...
peering up at me so earnestly. "Solve our dilemma." their eyes said with such trust. So I got out the "First Aid Heart Kit". And we proceeded to knit hearts back together in an ancient, tried and true method... by shining God's Words from the Bible on the issue... I watched their hearts melt toward one another and light had a victory right there near the play structure at recess today. For a moment tag stopped...and we chased the darkness of the temptation to hurt each other with words and "get back actions" away. Not with just any 5 step child development/psychology talk BUT with simplicity met with power and authority. When was the last time you remember seeing light and authority winning on the playground?? But we reached down deep/or up...however you sense this real connection to God.
Words were few but immediately effective--they touched something and unlocked hearts from the inside out and then knitted the chidren together as we prayed for one another and we felt the piercing Truth of HIS WORDS from scripture work their way into attitudes and ways with one another... Prayer and Truth brought a gentle comfort. Soon there were shy grins and "I'm sorry will you forgive me's" and real hugs.
Light in the Darkness in the 3rd grade today...
Simple but profound.
Back in the classroom they made little Christmas crafts out of sparkley pom poms and ate lots of sugar and played a snowman game like all other celebrating children across America today. Yet these kids got something extra later on... Intercession prayer time pray for one pray for Mommies and Daddies and problems that were REALLY little to SUPER big yet they mentioned them all to God . Somehow a child innately KNOWS that they are heard by their Father. They know to run to their Heavenly Father for everything they need.
They packed up their little backpacks and waterbottles and Christmas Crafts and smiled at saying, "see you next year!" like so many other 3rd graders today...
And when we got home...and our so many others heard the news of tragedy within the community of "Newtown"
...and my 4th grader put his head down and wept for those just like him...It would be my littles who turned again to prayer "cause it really does touch the lives in Newtown, Mommy when we pray."
Truth holders
Speakers of Understanding
They KNOW something that so much of the press on T.V. seems to be wrestling with as the ticker tape phrases will run all night...
I did skim through the list of how we are to "talk with our children"...and it did not seem to have much useful light in it...
Don't take me wrong...the advice wasn't just was weak.
Nothing to pierce the thickness of darkness and injustice and Kindergarteners and Third Graders dying in their classrooms...
It was flimsy...could not take the tearing angst of the heart's cries tonight...There was not enough to cover or to "bind up" or to heal the gape...
So we went back to the LIGHT that Jesus taught us about when He declared Himself, actually in THIS season, that He was the light of the world as He walked in the temple in Jerusalem during the Festival of Lights.
"Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." (John 8:12)
What's that? "won't HAVE to walk in darkness"? We do not HAVE to be anxious? We'll have a leader to lead us to life?? Where is THIS direction found?
We found that direction is in a person who is God...who is NEAR to us...and we found we knelt together in the dark tonight, lifting up, truly affecting in real time, the families, aching parents and brothers and sisters and towns and precious souls...
We looked up/...deep search out our Heavenly Father's wisdom tonight which includes Mercy AND proper Judgement for the helpless and against evil. No wickedness goes unseen from our Father's eye....And to be able to look THIS Father in the eye..
Oh my....
Cause, you see, there's just no fear in a child who's gaze is on their Father...In fact, "perfect love casts away fear." And when perfect love and perfect judgement meet...when Perfect Mercy and Perfect Power are found in the light-filled hands of God as He listens to our prayers...we find our prayers are highly effective...real answers for our grieving and for others in real time.
This video below is a picture of much of what I am expressing here. I am sharing it to share the "light" of encourage you to keep "singing out" into the "night". For the darkness cannot overcome the light. And if you do stumble (in fear or Trust or even a mess up) as you may see my precious son did just a bit on his words in the song...May you hear your Father whisper what my husband did at the choir program, you can hear it here on the video, "Come on, son, Keep on singing son, don't stop...that's it..."
Sing, sing out into the night. Our prayers are real. Our GOD is real!! His Fatherly eye is on us. He cares and heals. Through Jesus we have the only deliverance that is real in the world. He wants us to keep singing out who He is...what only He can do...and bringing His light...don't trip on the darkness...shine the light on it and it will run away...
No matter how dark it gets...darkness cannot overcome light. "And The Light is shining in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it." (John 1:5)
There they all stood...
peering up at me so earnestly. "Solve our dilemma." their eyes said with such trust. So I got out the "First Aid Heart Kit". And we proceeded to knit hearts back together in an ancient, tried and true method... by shining God's Words from the Bible on the issue... I watched their hearts melt toward one another and light had a victory right there near the play structure at recess today. For a moment tag stopped...and we chased the darkness of the temptation to hurt each other with words and "get back actions" away. Not with just any 5 step child development/psychology talk BUT with simplicity met with power and authority. When was the last time you remember seeing light and authority winning on the playground?? But we reached down deep/or up...however you sense this real connection to God.
Words were few but immediately effective--they touched something and unlocked hearts from the inside out and then knitted the chidren together as we prayed for one another and we felt the piercing Truth of HIS WORDS from scripture work their way into attitudes and ways with one another... Prayer and Truth brought a gentle comfort. Soon there were shy grins and "I'm sorry will you forgive me's" and real hugs.
Light in the Darkness in the 3rd grade today...
Simple but profound.
Back in the classroom they made little Christmas crafts out of sparkley pom poms and ate lots of sugar and played a snowman game like all other celebrating children across America today. Yet these kids got something extra later on... Intercession prayer time pray for one pray for Mommies and Daddies and problems that were REALLY little to SUPER big yet they mentioned them all to God . Somehow a child innately KNOWS that they are heard by their Father. They know to run to their Heavenly Father for everything they need.
They packed up their little backpacks and waterbottles and Christmas Crafts and smiled at saying, "see you next year!" like so many other 3rd graders today...
And when we got home...and our so many others heard the news of tragedy within the community of "Newtown"
...and my 4th grader put his head down and wept for those just like him...It would be my littles who turned again to prayer "cause it really does touch the lives in Newtown, Mommy when we pray."
Truth holders
Speakers of Understanding
They KNOW something that so much of the press on T.V. seems to be wrestling with as the ticker tape phrases will run all night...
I did skim through the list of how we are to "talk with our children"...and it did not seem to have much useful light in it...
Don't take me wrong...the advice wasn't just was weak.
Nothing to pierce the thickness of darkness and injustice and Kindergarteners and Third Graders dying in their classrooms...
It was flimsy...could not take the tearing angst of the heart's cries tonight...There was not enough to cover or to "bind up" or to heal the gape...
So we went back to the LIGHT that Jesus taught us about when He declared Himself, actually in THIS season, that He was the light of the world as He walked in the temple in Jerusalem during the Festival of Lights.
"Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, "I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life." (John 8:12)
What's that? "won't HAVE to walk in darkness"? We do not HAVE to be anxious? We'll have a leader to lead us to life?? Where is THIS direction found?
We found that direction is in a person who is God...who is NEAR to us...and we found we knelt together in the dark tonight, lifting up, truly affecting in real time, the families, aching parents and brothers and sisters and towns and precious souls...
We looked up/...deep search out our Heavenly Father's wisdom tonight which includes Mercy AND proper Judgement for the helpless and against evil. No wickedness goes unseen from our Father's eye....And to be able to look THIS Father in the eye..
Oh my....
Cause, you see, there's just no fear in a child who's gaze is on their Father...In fact, "perfect love casts away fear." And when perfect love and perfect judgement meet...when Perfect Mercy and Perfect Power are found in the light-filled hands of God as He listens to our prayers...we find our prayers are highly effective...real answers for our grieving and for others in real time.
This video below is a picture of much of what I am expressing here. I am sharing it to share the "light" of encourage you to keep "singing out" into the "night". For the darkness cannot overcome the light. And if you do stumble (in fear or Trust or even a mess up) as you may see my precious son did just a bit on his words in the song...May you hear your Father whisper what my husband did at the choir program, you can hear it here on the video, "Come on, son, Keep on singing son, don't stop...that's it..."
Sing, sing out into the night. Our prayers are real. Our GOD is real!! His Fatherly eye is on us. He cares and heals. Through Jesus we have the only deliverance that is real in the world. He wants us to keep singing out who He is...what only He can do...and bringing His light...don't trip on the darkness...shine the light on it and it will run away...
No matter how dark it gets...darkness cannot overcome light. "And The Light is shining in the darkness, and the darkness did not overtake it." (John 1:5)
Saturday, December 8, 2012
0 NIght Divine!
The first weekend of Advent, we were given a special gift from our dear friend, Mike Jay, the Producer of The Story Tour. Eight tickets. Our happy chatter steamed up the windows as we drove to the grande auditorium and as we walked down the aisle to go to our seats, pass the back row sections, then leading to the floor, and we walked and walked and walked down another aisle then down on the floor until we finally were brought to the 2nd row of seats...and my Father whispered to my overwhelmed heart..."THIS, is how I LOVE. THIS is how I LOVE YOU." We grinned at one another and wriggled into our seats, the children's legs swinging in anticipation of the good things to come...
And as Natalie Grant sang O Holy Night, Suddenly, it was all brand new again...The Story of Jesus...and His LOVE for me. His Beauty...and even the song itself. I have sung this solo many times but the way Natalie Interpreted it was Glorious. I have placed it above these words for you to enjoy. Isn't it interesting that each Christmas Season brings a new message to our hearts? For me...this season there are several making their way first in my heart....Light Shining in the Darkness, OVERCOMING the Darkness.... A feeling of "What is this? What is This?" over the perfection of Jesus and this gorgeous story that I keep digging into and finding more and more treasure. ESPECIALLY in the light of my studies in the Old Testament this every story...I might feel perhaps like the elder men who wept as the Word was brought home to the temple and read again...weeping and weeping over this Truth that continues to grow in brightness and clarity and adoration in my heart. I peer again into all the stories pointing to Jesus, my Messiah and say, "What is This Glory? What IS all this Beauty? What is this suffering and sacrifice? What IS all of this love? What HAVE I an invitation into??"
At the same time, in our life circumstances, we are being drawn into very special opportunities to fellowship with God by how we work with our hands. A great focus will be bringing restoration to the broken...rescue to those literally enslaved...we are getting more and more knowledge of how God wants to connect us and use us in ministry related to His heart of love and we get breathless and say, "What is this honor? to go after what you love , to search for your sheep? and to see You set them on your broad shoulders to bring them home? What is all this rescue and deliverance for the One. For the Many? That you plan to include us in? We are so small...what is all of this??"
So I sat there in my seat weeping and asking and just letting all of the story of Jesus and the glory of God's goodness pour over me AGAIN. And when Natalie sang,
"Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother." It had fresh meaning a modern day abolitionist heart...I saw the eyes in a thousand faces...I heard their voices crying out...
"And in His Name ALL Oppression Shall BREAK!."
A resounding "YES" rose up...on the outside I was sitting properly...on the inside I was having a Davidic meltdown of great proportions.
Calling out VICTORY in JESUS!!
And Falling in Love with my Savior, who has broken MY chains...ALL over again.
At Intermission two sets of little hands shook me back to my settings....
"Mommy, may we have these ones?"
They handed me World Vision brochures of precious,
"May we have these, Mommy?"
And in the bustle of people filing out to stretch and find the snack stands...
Richard leans over to my chair to hear the request,
We read the stories of these ones and say yes to them.
And our Ava and Bruik start dancing WILDLY around...
The reaction doesn't quite fit what we are doing...UNTIL we realize...they think these faces...
placed on brochures on our chairs are EACH a child to adopt.
And they believe we have JUST said YES to three more children in our family!!!!
And there in the second row...
We both kneel down with our children who most understand these themes of rescue...of redemption...
And we place our foreheads on theirs....we look deep into their eyes and pause.
A young teen girl is now leaning forward in her seat to check out our family and people are awkwardly taking in side glances...
For now, Richard's weeping...and..
We are just a MESS there.
A holy mess.
We hold our "newest charges" close to our hearts and covenant to care for them...and keep the door wide open for other little ones to walk through the door of our home...
Bruik and Ava seem disappointed that we are not adding three more to our car ride home...Ava had already been making bed arrangements for her room!
But we pray the midst of the lights blinking for people to return to their seats ..and we covenant to love well...with HIS love and in HIS strength and in HIS timing.
The rest of the concert hold other glorious moments.
But the greatest of these are in the finale as Bruik stands up and comes to the back of my chair and hugs my neck until his mouth is right near my ear. He thinks he is whispering, but this is not a talent he has mastered he SHOUTS in my ear,
"Mommy I do not think I ever really ASKED Jesus to be mine. I want to do that RIGHT now."
In the midst of this concert, in the images of the Nativity and Love and Deliverance
Salvation is birthing
my son.
And my heart is saying, "What IS all this glory?"
"That you and your household WILL be saved?"
"What is this? What is this? What IS this??"
And another star "that shines in the the darkness" forever
Is born that night.
O Night Divine!
That God would save my little boy, deliver his heart on this night.
Another candle is lit...on the Jesse Tree
And he and HIS family will be saved
Salvation is the greatest of ornaments on God's Family Christmas Tree.
And I take in all its light and beauty saying,
"What is all of this?"
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Prayer's Dance
Monday nights we have an important standing date Our family heads out to a powerful Prayer Meeting where we pray for the ending of human trafficking. This is a incredible time, EVERY.TIME. We get such a sense of God's Heart for Deliverance, for Rescue,to bring Justice,to Love those who may feel as though they are the forgotten ones....
And the wonder of hearing ANSWERS to prayer at times, when rings have been busted in certain regions and areas we specifically prayed for and precious lives released and saved--it leaves you breathless...
Then makes you charge back in to plead for more Mercy and movement for the helpless.
Last night was particularly sweet. (And NOT just because the kids were looking forward to a planned dessert time back at our house afterward!!)
But in part, it was precious for, for the last six years, this precious group of prayer warriors have been praying against human trafficking, focusing on certain hot regions for this oppression all over the world. And tonight, our focus was...our own backyard. The prayer focus (region that we were praying for) was our own city. We were declaring, "NO NOT on our watch....NOT HERE in Jesus name." To hear themes prayed about that we have prayed for, for people in South America, Africa, Thailand, Mexico, Cities in Europe, Serbia, Russia...Chicago, The Twin Cities, named for HERE... IT.WAS.POWERFUL.
These were prayers to protect MY children, THEIR friends...
And prayers to release children and women and men enslaved in the evils of human trafficking HERE. IN MY BACKYARD....
All the victims were my son, my daughter, my child, my friend, myself, my family...
and even as I felt the intensity of this...
I KNEW this is how all prayer should be.
All of our intercession for others is a crying out. Just as if...
Just as if it were ME.
Or OUR city.
All nationalities are on the family/familiar prayer request list in the house of our Heavenly Father...
In His house of prayer...
This video is in the middle of our time, right before we lined up as a family to pray on the mic. This is one of the ways that Jack prays in the Prayer Room. It is a picture of the beauty, the power and even the righteous warfare of prayer.
And another Song:
(The people walking by are choosing to walk as they pray -- several hundred are also seated around,praying individually and in small groups)
Soon after Jack and Ava's Dancing, we headed to pray out loud on the mic at the front in a time of prayer, called "Rapid Fire Prayer"...5-10 second prayers focused on this night on the ending of human trafficking. It is intense to hear what God has laid on so many individual hearts, while so powerful to all be interceding together.
And if you would like to see what I mean by, "Rapid Fire" Style Intercessory Prayer...Here is a link to a video recording of the prayer set last night. Our family appears at around 56:56...believe me, we are NOT smooth "prayer-ers!!!!" ( I actually tripped all over my words last night!!) But God hears every one of our weak words. And we are so in love with Him! Monday Evening Intercessory Prayer Set with Misty Edwards' Worship
Last night was especially precious for us all. In fact, as we readied ourselves to go, after our time of prayer, shepherded everybody out the exit doors and through the lobby and out into the parking lot , Bruik started skipping as he held Daddy's hand. The kids had started talking about the dessert that we had laid aside at home that was awaiting the family and we were all getting ready to load up the van. "Man!" Bruik exclaimed in a really joyful voice. "I really want to be with my family but I really never want to leave God's house of prayer."
His words reminded me of his Heavenly Father's words in Isaiah,
"I will bring them to my holy mountain of Jerusalem and will fill them with joy in my house of prayer. I will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices, because my Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations."
(Isaiah 56:7)
The same words that Jesus later quotes as he cleanses the temple..." And as he taught them, he said, "Is it not written: "'My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations'?..."
Oh yes! Bruik was experiencing last night, as we all were that even when we are in battle in prayer over deep or serious subjects, God so fills our hearts with His nearness and fellowship...that there IS Joy in Prayer for sure!
And we'd love to share this joy with you!
Please feel free to Join us here on Monday nights...we go at 7:30 to worship in prayer and singing first and then we stay for most of the intercession set beginning at 8 and ending at 10. Or join us live at the Prayer Room!...who knows? We may see you there and invite you back to the Tuckers' for a Monday night dessert treat!
And the wonder of hearing ANSWERS to prayer at times, when rings have been busted in certain regions and areas we specifically prayed for and precious lives released and saved--it leaves you breathless...
Then makes you charge back in to plead for more Mercy and movement for the helpless.
Last night was particularly sweet. (And NOT just because the kids were looking forward to a planned dessert time back at our house afterward!!)
But in part, it was precious for, for the last six years, this precious group of prayer warriors have been praying against human trafficking, focusing on certain hot regions for this oppression all over the world. And tonight, our focus was...our own backyard. The prayer focus (region that we were praying for) was our own city. We were declaring, "NO NOT on our watch....NOT HERE in Jesus name." To hear themes prayed about that we have prayed for, for people in South America, Africa, Thailand, Mexico, Cities in Europe, Serbia, Russia...Chicago, The Twin Cities, named for HERE... IT.WAS.POWERFUL.
These were prayers to protect MY children, THEIR friends...
And prayers to release children and women and men enslaved in the evils of human trafficking HERE. IN MY BACKYARD....
All the victims were my son, my daughter, my child, my friend, myself, my family...
and even as I felt the intensity of this...
I KNEW this is how all prayer should be.
All of our intercession for others is a crying out. Just as if...
Just as if it were ME.
Or OUR city.
All nationalities are on the family/familiar prayer request list in the house of our Heavenly Father...
In His house of prayer...
This video is in the middle of our time, right before we lined up as a family to pray on the mic. This is one of the ways that Jack prays in the Prayer Room. It is a picture of the beauty, the power and even the righteous warfare of prayer.
And another Song:
(The people walking by are choosing to walk as they pray -- several hundred are also seated around,praying individually and in small groups)
Soon after Jack and Ava's Dancing, we headed to pray out loud on the mic at the front in a time of prayer, called "Rapid Fire Prayer"...5-10 second prayers focused on this night on the ending of human trafficking. It is intense to hear what God has laid on so many individual hearts, while so powerful to all be interceding together.
And if you would like to see what I mean by, "Rapid Fire" Style Intercessory Prayer...Here is a link to a video recording of the prayer set last night. Our family appears at around 56:56...believe me, we are NOT smooth "prayer-ers!!!!" ( I actually tripped all over my words last night!!) But God hears every one of our weak words. And we are so in love with Him! Monday Evening Intercessory Prayer Set with Misty Edwards' Worship
Last night was especially precious for us all. In fact, as we readied ourselves to go, after our time of prayer, shepherded everybody out the exit doors and through the lobby and out into the parking lot , Bruik started skipping as he held Daddy's hand. The kids had started talking about the dessert that we had laid aside at home that was awaiting the family and we were all getting ready to load up the van. "Man!" Bruik exclaimed in a really joyful voice. "I really want to be with my family but I really never want to leave God's house of prayer."
His words reminded me of his Heavenly Father's words in Isaiah,
"I will bring them to my holy mountain of Jerusalem and will fill them with joy in my house of prayer. I will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices, because my Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations."
(Isaiah 56:7)
The same words that Jesus later quotes as he cleanses the temple..." And as he taught them, he said, "Is it not written: "'My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations'?..."
Oh yes! Bruik was experiencing last night, as we all were that even when we are in battle in prayer over deep or serious subjects, God so fills our hearts with His nearness and fellowship...that there IS Joy in Prayer for sure!
And we'd love to share this joy with you!
Please feel free to Join us here on Monday nights...we go at 7:30 to worship in prayer and singing first and then we stay for most of the intercession set beginning at 8 and ending at 10. Or join us live at the Prayer Room!...who knows? We may see you there and invite you back to the Tuckers' for a Monday night dessert treat!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Ava's Song
Sometimes, you have something inside of you that is a "Go Tell it on the Mountain" story. Sometimes these are the most difficult to share. But, as we head into this season...I am going to take the Shepherds' example and go run and tell what we have seen and heard. For, I desire for you to know this year, as you hear all the parts of the Christmas story again...that each element it speaks of is VERY real...STILL....Yes, so VERY near to each of us in this day!..we are just simple fold here...this story could be yours as well...
The other night, I tucked in our children early and needed to head out to an important meeting about a heavy subject. My Mama's heart was checked as I stroked little heads...I felt a need to pray for more protection over them as we would be apart that night. I prayed something we often do...that God would send HIs angels of protection over the children, that He would set a fiery hedge around our I passed by Ava's room, I was especially impressed to pray that God would FILL her room with angels...she had recently been feeling some night fear and I had been visiting her room to anoint it with prayer, asking God to send Joy and His Presence to her room, especially as she slept. We set them up with older brother's care and headed out.
At the meeting that night, i found myself keeping in touch with the kids, listening but also praying for them...the feeling was very strong...
The next morning in the morning rush, Ava tugged on me...
"Mommy, I had a REALLY good dream last night. God sang me a song."
Honestly, I was half-listening. I was in-between filling up 5 of the water bottles and stuffing plastic baggies with sandwiches.
After school, there was more time to listen, Ava shared again.
"Mommy, I shared with the boys and girls at school today the song God taught me last night. He taught me two songs. And, I went to school and taught it to my friends. He told me He loved me."
Ava has a rich relationship with God and she is a little songbird, often coming up with new songs...I thought this was the end of her special story. And yet, when she mentioned..."The song was a new song from heaven." My heart did stir and warm. Ava's teacher had recently counseled me that children's experiences with God are not just "cute". They are real and no less than what we experience in God (there is no Jr. Holy Spirit after all!!). Their purity and the childlike Trust that God so loves, and their need for His covering, sets them up for precious times with Him.
I mentioned that Ava could play the song for us on the piano at dinner and share about her dream with the family then too. I thought this was the extent of the sharing.
We were in the middle of our dinner, the children were all gathered up, well all except Jack, who was off to get seconds of something on the stove... when Ava reminded us she had a story to tell...and this is it:
"I was lying in my bed and my room felt scary. So I remembered what to do. I prayed to God. And I closed my eyes REALLY tight and I said "Satan GO AWAY in the NAME of JESUS." And I felt safe. So I could fall asleep. And right away I had a wonderful dream. In my dream I was lying there in my bed, and all of a sudden I was awake.
And there were angels...
And they were bright and light and white. With Yellow on them (she points to her head) and they were flying in a circle above my bed and they were singing TO ME in the most BEAUTIFUL voices I have EVER heard. I mean it! It WAS like...choir voices...but MUCH more pretty. And they were singing God's words to me. They sung me two different songs. the first one went, "I love you Ava. I Sing over you. You are Safe in Me." and Ava sang this sweet melody, complete with verses and a chorus. She does not yet songwrite like this! It was a COMPLETE and beautiful little song!!
She next shared, "And the angels were circling above my bed and flying through the wall next to my bed into the hallway and back into my bedroom...And their EYES were like RAINBOWS! They had EVERY color in MORE than colors in them! And after they sang songs, I heard God speak to me. He spoke the same words as the songs over me, that I was loved, that I was His, that I was safe in Him. He used my name."
SO...the family was all sitting there digesting this story...when Jack comes into the room from where he had been out of ear shot..."Oh, are you talking about the angels, Ava?"
"Oh yeah, they were very bright white and they had yellow on them and Colorful Eyes."
We all shot questions at Jack...Have you talked with Ava about this?
"No." They both answered.
"This was the first time I got to share my story Mommy." Ava answered.
Speechless, we all turned back to Jack..."Tell us YOUR story about last night, Jack."
"Well," He takes a big bite of his seconds," I was sleeping and had been for a little while when all of a sudden I was woken up by singing. And you guys, it was the MOST BEAUTIFUL SINGING YOU HAVE EVER heard! It sounded like...a...choir...but more was the most beautiful thing I have EVER heard.
So I got out of bed and I listened. It was coming from the hallway.
And I opened my door and I went out into the hall. And at the end of the hallway where Ava's doorway is there were angels. And they were flying in this circle. And they were going through the hallway wall and into Ava's bedroom and then out again. And they were singing songs to Ava. " He mentioned the same words of the love songs.
Tears are rolling now...down several of our faces and Ava and Jack are just glowing with Joy and excitement...they are flushed.
"So I went down the hallway."
(our bold one!!)
"I wanted a closer look."
"I stood in the doorway and peeked in. The angels were circling over Ava and singing to her. "
"Did you ask them anything??" (a boy who would venture this close just might have!!)
"No, they looked at me, and when they did, I saw their eyes were like rainbows...or something like that...all the colors.. and I can't explain more than colors...but they were not there to talk to me. They were there for Ava."
"And Ava was asleep. And she was talking and singing and praying back....IN SPANISH....I mean like, it was so clearly another language, like I could have learned it and spoken it in the morning!!"
"I watched for a while and then I went back to bed. I knew we were very safe and loved last night."
...So the angels came...and sang in our two of the children...
And we share this with you.
For it was real.
And so is God .
And so are the impact/reality of our prayers...
Each prayer is HEARD.
We will continue to press in to God's Presence, knowing He comes and sings over us (as the Bible shows us in the shepherd story, and when God says that He sings over us)
We are lost in wonder and Praise over a VERY REAL and VERY NEAR Father God.
And that the stories in His Word are as fresh as if they happened in the hallway...JUST the other night...
Step into the stories, into the Truth of the Bible this holiday season.
Perhaps ask for more.
Love Him like a little child.
Ask Him to come to you.
Our Emmanuel....Worthy of our Praise.
God WITH Us.
Monday, November 19, 2012
IN Everything
Jack Attack!
The carmel literally EXPLODED as we made this cake together. Poor Jackie!! It burned off skin off of his elbow! And then to make matters we turned over his "Upside Down Cake" recipe after cooling on the baking rack for a while. THIS is what happened.
OH the noise of tears and wails of "NOW MY CAKE is UGLY....I have NOTHING to bring..." Poor ole cake.
"Jack Attack"Sweet Jack need ed to give THANKS in this moment. I KNOW, mean Mommy, right? NO. When things look there worst, THAT is the ripe time for thanks.
We don't need to remind ourselves to be thankful by listing a thousand things that are pleasant and beautiful if we could learn to be thankful in the one UGLY thing in front of us.
SO... We picked up this homely ole cake. We tasted how sweet and yummy
it was and considered bringing it to the contest anyway. "BUT I won't
WIN, its not the prettiest!" tears welled back up... "BUT... I COULD
feed it to the family after dinner... They'd R
like it. It would be...a TREAT for them."
Head begins to lift. The ugly
cake is becoming a blessing.
"And you know, I did work REALLY hard on
it. It really is good....So lets save it for the family to enjoy."
(Thank you God, for this ugly cake.)
We set it down, take a photo, and
go on to other things. Hearts lighter.
Thanks IN things does that. EVERY time.
about an hour later...
I walk by Jack's cake and suddenly have an idea.
Apples! Sliced apples!
I can SEE them gracing the top of his choice to
be thankful and creating it into something really beautiful.
"Hey! Let's
try something, Jack!" And we find apples and adorn our thanks cake with
slices of amber goodness and pecans. And it forms into something
"NOW you can enter it, Jack!" a brother mentions as
he walks by, "Good Job, it's looking great!" Jack turns the plate
around slowly, taking it all in.
"Yeah, but then I couldn't feed it to the
family and make them all happy."
"Well," I get to smile back. "Now
you'll have a CHOICE about who to make happy with your cake!"
And so it is
grace that was in disguise which now goes with my little Jack to school all
dressed in apples on a platter.
It was a gift to truly give thanks when
there was nothing in the hand, nothing for the eyes to see...
And then,to see
by faith,
and give thanks....
Then, to get to give thanks when a heart's
desire came to pass.
But really,
the first thanks was the most powerful.
And JUST as yummy!! :))
Head begins to lift. The ugly cake is becoming a blessing.
"And you know, I did work REALLY hard on it. It really is good....So lets save it for the family to enjoy."
(Thank you God, for this ugly cake.)
We set it down, take a photo, and go on to other things. Hearts lighter.
Thanks IN things does that. EVERY time.
And about an hour later...
I walk by Jack's cake and suddenly have an idea.
Apples! Sliced apples!
I can SEE them gracing the top of his choice to be thankful and creating it into something really beautiful.
"Hey! Let's try something, Jack!" And we find apples and adorn our thanks cake with slices of amber goodness and pecans. And it forms into something quite...beautiful.
"NOW you can enter it, Jack!" a brother mentions as he walks by, "Good Job, it's looking great!" Jack turns the plate around slowly, taking it all in.
"Yeah, but then I couldn't feed it to the family and make them all happy."
"Well," I get to smile back. "Now you'll have a CHOICE about who to make happy with your cake!"
And so it is grace that was in disguise which now goes with my little Jack to school all dressed in apples on a platter.
It was a gift to truly give thanks when there was nothing in the hand, nothing for the eyes to see...
And then,to see by faith,
and give thanks....
Then, to get to give thanks when a heart's desire came to pass.
But really,
the first thanks was the most powerful. And JUST as yummy!! :))
Sunday, November 18, 2012
So How's it Going with the Tucker Family?
What's big and blue and 20,000 miles long? Richard's ministry trip journey!!
In the past five months, Richard's role of intercessory missionary has shifted into high gear! Around Memorial Day, he created an office in the back trunk of
a large blue sedan,
donated to our ministry, and drove into a ministry and fund raising
journey that would criss-cross over the Eastern section of America's
The first leg of his trip began right here in Kansas City Missouri. at the IHOP missions base where Richard activated two goals. First, he began mapping out our desire to create a restorative home for vulnerable children. We were incredibly encouraged with the number of willing hearts and resources God has placed around us through missionaries and ministries, who we can join together with in bringing this dream to pass.
Richard next started building up the necessary base of prayer and financial partnership for our family so that we can plunge in to our ministry work here full-time. And what better way to prepare for anything than to pray? The week he was to set off on his trip to find partners, he was in one of his times in the Prayer Room at IHOP-KC specifically dialoguing with God about God's thoughts and feelings about this venture.
After an encouraging time in which God laid much on his heart about building up and ministry with God, he had to run an errand to the bank. "Please keep speaking to me about this season, God as I go along." he prayed.
As he entered the door of the bank, a young woman stopped him. "Would you tell me what you do here?" She next told Richard that God had pressed Richard on her heart as he walked through the bank door. God had let her know he was "good soil" to seed into.
As she handed him some cash and then prayed over him, this young lady became our first partner! Richard's eyes filled with tears.
"Thank you, Father. I trust you. You are going to complete what you have called our family to."
After some business in the bank, Richard turned to leave and ANOTHER woman stopped him.
"Are you the man who comes into the Prayer Room with little African children?"
The first leg of his trip began right here in Kansas City Missouri. at the IHOP missions base where Richard activated two goals. First, he began mapping out our desire to create a restorative home for vulnerable children. We were incredibly encouraged with the number of willing hearts and resources God has placed around us through missionaries and ministries, who we can join together with in bringing this dream to pass.
Richard next started building up the necessary base of prayer and financial partnership for our family so that we can plunge in to our ministry work here full-time. And what better way to prepare for anything than to pray? The week he was to set off on his trip to find partners, he was in one of his times in the Prayer Room at IHOP-KC specifically dialoguing with God about God's thoughts and feelings about this venture.
After an encouraging time in which God laid much on his heart about building up and ministry with God, he had to run an errand to the bank. "Please keep speaking to me about this season, God as I go along." he prayed.
As he entered the door of the bank, a young woman stopped him. "Would you tell me what you do here?" She next told Richard that God had pressed Richard on her heart as he walked through the bank door. God had let her know he was "good soil" to seed into.
As she handed him some cash and then prayed over him, this young lady became our first partner! Richard's eyes filled with tears.
"Thank you, Father. I trust you. You are going to complete what you have called our family to."
After some business in the bank, Richard turned to leave and ANOTHER woman stopped him.
"Are you the man who comes into the Prayer Room with little African children?"
Richard told her of our family. She next shared that she had been praying in the Prayer Room when suddenly God interrupted what she was focusing on and pressed on her heart to go over to the bank across the street find the man who brings African children to the Prayer Room. She was surprised and a little confused but obeyed.
When she got to the bank she immediately found Richard there. After telling Richard her story and encouraging him and praying for him, she donated to him TEN times the amount that the young woman had just handed him!
How's that for our first two partners!!
This was the first of several miracles...we'll have more to share!
Our good Father let us know RIGHT AWAY that HE is our BEST "partner". That as long as we fix our eyes on Him. He will complete WHATEVER he calls us to, while also taking good care of His children. He's the BEST Father. What an incredible family to be a part of!!
So, after sharing this joyful news with the family in a prayerful send-off, Richard hugged everyone tightly and then jumped into "Big Blue" (as we affectionately call our "grande" car!!) for a missionary adventure!
Most of the summertime was spent among loved ones and friends in Nashville, TN. We were humbled by the number of partners who joined our team in Nashville.
As Fall began, our 18 year old daughter Ashley joined Richard for "the best road trip EVER!
" Their route
extended through beautiful Ohio and Penn., visiting and ministering
among partners there before heading up to America's border with Canada
to take in the awesome power of Niagara Falls.
As they next visited New York, God particularly captivated their hearts as well as ours back at home to pray for souls in that great city. This became the theme of their trip ~ God's Heart for Souls.
Now in the wake of the devastating storm, Sandy, we understand much more why God was so burdening us to pray over that area, for souls, for mercy, for answers,for healing, for God-sized blessings in that region...
During this phase of support-raising, Richard and Ashley were humbled by, "you brothers have refreshed the heart of the saints," as brothers and sisters opened up their guest rooms,pulled a chair up to their tables, and generously shared from their bank accounts to share with our family's call.
In the Washington D.C. area, (our home town!) Richard and Ashley had the privilege of many more invitations into homes and offers to speak along the way in churches and groups along the East Coast regarding intimacy with the Father's Heart!!
A favorite connection from one of the times was a 60 year -old lady who shared that as Richard was speaking, her heart burned. She believed that this moment was the spark she had needed to say yes to God's call on her husband's and her life to say yes to a calling that God had been pressing on them for a while to radically change the direction of their lives and become follow Him into a ministry in another country. "You mean its not too late for us?"
"Of course not! Nothing is impossible for God!" Richard replied with JOY.
Another precious story came in just the other day. While visiting some dear friends who wanted to partner with our family, in the Northeast, Ashley and Richard asked if they could pray for anything for these friends.
"You better!! I expected it!" Quipped our friend.
As they prayed for different issues as well as a matter of healing, tears flowed. It was a precious time.
Just the other day, the lady went to her doctor and got an encouraging report of HEALING--of something that previously she was told was not able to be healed by medicines. She was joyful and full of hope over the other items they had brought to God too. JOY!!
As father and daughter prayed and ministered in homes along the their way along the road, they were setting a strong precedent for what ministry will look like in the Tucker family...
And like I mentioned before, we have more stories to share...That are full of God's grace and His care for His people and of what He is up to not only in our family but on the Earth right now..
And now, after 6 months on and off and on, and on, and ON the ROAD!! Richard is heading back for Thanksgiving!!!!!! WHAT a lot we have to be thankful for this year. That God is providing for a family of 8 as they step out to obey a miracle all unto itself!!
We are not quite yet
fully funded, but we have received a wonderful foundation and believe
that in the next months we could be to where we need to be with the
response of the people who God has already planned to step on board with
us, to journey into intimacy with His heart and care for the vulnerable
among us...
We are SO THANKFUL for EACH person who has loved on us here at home and on the road. And to those of you who have given to us and have committed to financially support us, we pray that God will bless you and return to YOU abundantly what you have sown into God's Kingdom through your love toward us.
It has not always felt easy...but God has made it "light" for He does not burden us with what we are unable to carry. A special grace has been on our family...each of the children are truly blooming in this season.
Ashley as Maria in the Sound of Music at The Daniel AcademyWe are SO THANKFUL for EACH person who has loved on us here at home and on the road. And to those of you who have given to us and have committed to financially support us, we pray that God will bless you and return to YOU abundantly what you have sown into God's Kingdom through your love toward us.
It has not always felt easy...but God has made it "light" for He does not burden us with what we are unable to carry. A special grace has been on our family...each of the children are truly blooming in this season.
We see
this as confirmation of God's hand on what He is doing among us as a
family unit.
Our AMAZING Chef, Graham!!
Following in their Papa's Footsteps!
We purpose that we will continue to minister as a family.
This is a Prayer Room for children. Anderson is now Singing and Worship and Prayer Leading for Elementary Children at the IHOP-KC Missions base, at school, and at Sunday School. (Here he is singing)
Jack and Bruik Shining at Soccer and Having an Awesome Year!
Bruiky and Mommy in the Fall. :)
Miss Ava on her way to Dance Camp!
Gillian and Ava Enjoying a Snuggle.
While it has been very hard to keep sending our beloved Husband and
Daddy off on the road, we are VERY excited about this season in our
lives...we are ALL in 100 percent!!!
It looks like the traveling will become less and less in this next season as we head toward the completion of the last (financial) third of what we need as a family. YAY!! But there are more necks to hug, more heart connects to make, more precious brothers and sisters to meet and enjoy our Father God with ...and for this we are so encouraged.
We love you, friends and are so THANKFUL for you as we head into Thanksgiving week!
Blessings and Love!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Keys, Walls, and a Coat of Paint
This Post was an honor to write for a guest post today on Sara Hagerty's blog, Every Bitter Thing is Sweet...
Keys, Walls, and a Coat of Paint
And, friends, this woman loves her man. The light in her children’s eyes, sent from Him, they clearly witness, first, under their roof. Often. There is beauty happening between their four walls and, here, Gillian lets us peek in.
(For the month of May and two weeks into June, I will be pressing pause on my online writing and this space will become a series of testimonies of what He births in the midst of delay, perplexity and pain. Author friends from

… “So take nothing for granted. Stay awake in prayer.”
Years of listening to our Father’s heart, let us know it was time… Time to pick up the tools of a builder and the weapons of a protector…
For the harvest field of adoption is also a battle ground.
As we prepared to go to Ethiopia, we believed we were at the end of a journey, a completion of the mercy heart that God had built in our family of six for the lost lambs of His world… OH, how we were to find, this was only the beginning of LEARNING how to build…
And did we EVER over- pack!!
We laughed as my six foot five inch husband, Richard, sat down on our massive roller suitcase to zip it up. Heart and mind OVERFLOWED with hope and promises saved up from our times spent with God in adoring, listening prayer during the year we waited for our babies. We also bulged with bits of helpful tips from adoption blogs and orphan psychology books…innocent intentions…and some romanticism…
As our plane inclined out of our world and into another, thankful tears rolled down my face. Awe filled my heart…. In that quiet moment, as the plane’s wrestle with gravity pulled me against my seat, my spirit lifted into adoring prayer. And, a familiar, Fatherly voice spoke in my heart’s ear over and over again…
Words I had never memorized…
Phrases which truly mystified me,
“Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” (Isaiah 58:12)
Apparently I was not at the end of a journey but at the beginning of another…
Please continue.... on Sara's Blog at Every Bitter Thing is Sweet
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Lemonade's a Flowin!!
An ALL-American sort of Memorial Day Blessing!!
I do think we may have been visited by an "angel in disguise" just the other day...and at my boys Lemonade stand!
Anderson, our 11 year old,
is spear-heading a summer of lemonade sales. :)) And now, living on a busy street here in Kansas City, he has great visibility! Plus he understands the power of GREAT advertisement a.k.a. a super cute bunch of REALLY cute younger siblings "helping" him out. :)) Thanks to everyone
who has already stopped by to support his budding business side!!
We especially love it when the college students from our local bible college here at IHOPU (International House of Prayer University) drop by. Many do not have many quarters in their own pockets and yet they really pour into our guys! I think many could be buying lemonade to honor a memory from their childhood.
The boys have met a WIDE selection of people and our expectation and prayer is that they will bless EACH ONE that comes to our driveway. Their is something about the exchange of conversation and lemonade and blessing from these little ones that is tenderizing hearts...they have regular customers now!
We have met funny but kind gang members (a fun story for another day!!), Muslim ladies who buy lemonade for a car- full of family every time the stand is open, kids, dads, AND OUR FRIENDS :))....
They even made a deal with the ice cream man -- he drove right up to the stand so they could buy ice cream from their earnings and he drove off with a large cup of lemonade bought from them. I sit on the front step, overseeing the going -ons, sometimes just laughing at these interactions ... They crack me up!!
Yesterday, a retired vet. stopped by and paid FIVE TIMES the amount for his cup! A while later, when the stand was put away and we were all playing a game in the back yard, he came back, pulled into our driveway in his pickup truck and asked to speak to Anderson.
"Son, these are for you.", he said, and pulled up a grocery bag with two FIVE POUND containers of lemonade mix in there!! Anderson glowed soft and kind of shy with thanks.
"Now you make sure you use this all up in your sales...and then whenever you need MORE, flag down my truck and I'll get you whatever you need. What do you need now? ...Cups??? I'll get those too for ya." He sat in his truck and share stories about his Army travels and all the ways God had provided work and jobs for him through his life. His words were saturated with generosity. We got to soak it all in...and also got oppurtunity to give thanks and honor in our words for this man's service to our homeland. (There's always something so sacred found in honoring.)
"Whatcha saving up for, son?"
Anderson spoke of giving to God first, of sharing with those who have none, of saving, and then of a fun item that will being delight to the summer days... It was his new friend's time to glow. :)
Anders. is mixing up some lemonade right now...He'll be selling, using the blessing that was given to him...It awakens my heart to the reality that this is EXACTLY how Father God cares for us--with delight--getting down on our level to bless us--and then, giving seed for us to plant and bring in an inheritance...
We especially love it when the college students from our local bible college here at IHOPU (International House of Prayer University) drop by. Many do not have many quarters in their own pockets and yet they really pour into our guys! I think many could be buying lemonade to honor a memory from their childhood.
The boys have met a WIDE selection of people and our expectation and prayer is that they will bless EACH ONE that comes to our driveway. Their is something about the exchange of conversation and lemonade and blessing from these little ones that is tenderizing hearts...they have regular customers now!
We have met funny but kind gang members (a fun story for another day!!), Muslim ladies who buy lemonade for a car- full of family every time the stand is open, kids, dads, AND OUR FRIENDS :))....
They even made a deal with the ice cream man -- he drove right up to the stand so they could buy ice cream from their earnings and he drove off with a large cup of lemonade bought from them. I sit on the front step, overseeing the going -ons, sometimes just laughing at these interactions ... They crack me up!!
Yesterday, a retired vet. stopped by and paid FIVE TIMES the amount for his cup! A while later, when the stand was put away and we were all playing a game in the back yard, he came back, pulled into our driveway in his pickup truck and asked to speak to Anderson.
"Son, these are for you.", he said, and pulled up a grocery bag with two FIVE POUND containers of lemonade mix in there!! Anderson glowed soft and kind of shy with thanks.
"Now you make sure you use this all up in your sales...and then whenever you need MORE, flag down my truck and I'll get you whatever you need. What do you need now? ...Cups??? I'll get those too for ya." He sat in his truck and share stories about his Army travels and all the ways God had provided work and jobs for him through his life. His words were saturated with generosity. We got to soak it all in...and also got oppurtunity to give thanks and honor in our words for this man's service to our homeland. (There's always something so sacred found in honoring.)
"Whatcha saving up for, son?"
Anderson spoke of giving to God first, of sharing with those who have none, of saving, and then of a fun item that will being delight to the summer days... It was his new friend's time to glow. :)
Anders. is mixing up some lemonade right now...He'll be selling, using the blessing that was given to him...It awakens my heart to the reality that this is EXACTLY how Father God cares for us--with delight--getting down on our level to bless us--and then, giving seed for us to plant and bring in an inheritance...
God just pours love in our cups that will NEVER run dry....I just LOVE His economy!!
Blessings on this Memorial Day weekend!
Love, G
Friday, May 25, 2012
Surely Goodness and Kindness...
I had been praying specifically for more goodness and kindness to develop in our family in this next season...and yesterday Anderson arrived home with two New Zealander baby brown like chocolate he named, "GOODNESS and the other, a chunky,fluffy grey doe, he names, "KINDNESS".
"Mom, he said, I named cause, just like God says, goodness and kindness will follow us all the days of our lives!"...we are having MORE fun with "goodness and kindness"...I mean, could they be AnY cuter??...And their little names are like little proclamations all over my home this weekend..."Kindness, come here! :)"..."Hold on to Goodness, Jack"..."Bruik will you share Kindness with me?".... and I do believe I already see a sweet transformation coming forth from the gift of our fluffiest family members ♥...
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Grace Walks Down This Weekend
Sweet, Sweet Ashley how her name scrolls across my cell phone screen...
My First Baby Girl...
The Darling of my heart...
Will Graduate on Saturday!
My heart is all in a swirl of love, and memory and THANKFULNESS for this one that God has lent to us.
I know ALL mothers say it, but when its your turn ...Oh, my , Oh , my ...there's ALL this light to blink into... reflecting off all the facets of this jewel that first was entrusted to me those 17 years ago at Vanderbilt Hospital in the wee hours of the morning.
...after a day and a half of labor
eyes fixed on that hospital bassinet she would soon lay in...
Wonder and Beauty and Awe...too wonderful to behold.
And then...oh there she was! 10 pounds of glory and beauty and grace...ours.
Our Ashley Grace
How do they go from first steps
My First Baby Girl...
The Darling of my heart...
Will Graduate on Saturday!
My heart is all in a swirl of love, and memory and THANKFULNESS for this one that God has lent to us.
I know ALL mothers say it, but when its your turn ...Oh, my , Oh , my ...there's ALL this light to blink into... reflecting off all the facets of this jewel that first was entrusted to me those 17 years ago at Vanderbilt Hospital in the wee hours of the morning.
...after a day and a half of labor
eyes fixed on that hospital bassinet she would soon lay in...
Wonder and Beauty and Awe...too wonderful to behold.
And then...oh there she was! 10 pounds of glory and beauty and grace...ours.
Our Ashley Grace
How do they go from first steps
to walking down a graduation aisle?
Explain all this glory to me!
Or better yet, indulge me to walk through in photos a BEAUTIFUL life
Full of Tenderness
Sweet as a little kind and gentle
She even did the Chicken Pox with Style! :)
Strong and Focused on her Sports Fields
Driving down a field with her golden hair flying!!
Or Swimming it up...
Or warring Lacrosse events!!
Don't mess with this little lady's determination!! :))
It was the same in her studies...
And in our home...
She taught us about Excellence, and Beautiful Endurance, About Forgiveness
And Ever-Willing Flexibility...
She was not the only one for long!!
The babies came
And one of their favorite places were her arms...
More came
She helped me carry them all...
We have been the best of this blessing of LIFE.
She was such a part of the vision God has had for our family that if it were not for her
I do not think we could have stretched our wings as far.
In these years she laid so much down
In the learning to be a Shepherdess.
But she now reaps
From a beautiful harvest bowl.
And soon..she'll launch...
With Eyes Lifted up
Sweet Golden Girl
Worshipful Songbird
Pensive and Studious
Our Joyful Gift!!
We bless you as you "walk down the graduation aisle" this weekend.
Oh how we love you, sweet, sweet girl!!
And oh, how we believe
you are SO ready
For the Harvest Fields...
Surely Goodness and Mercy will Follow you all the days of your life, gentle one.
"She will Laugh at the Days to come"
Love, Mom
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