Love is the river than flows through
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love is the place you will fly to
Love never fails you
Love is not proud
Love does not boast
Love after all
Matters the most
Love does not run
Love does not hide
Love does not keep
Locked inside
Love is the river that flows through
Love never fails you
Love will sustain
Love will provide
Love will not cease
At the end of time
Love will protect
Love always hopes
Love still believes
When you don’t
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love never fails you
When my heart won’t make a sound
When I can’t turn back around
When the sky is falling down
Nothing is greater than this
Greater than this
Love is right here
Love is alive
Love is the way
The truth the life
Love is the river than flows through
Love is the arms that are holding you
Love is the place you will fly to
Love never fails you
Glory to God!
THE God of Love.
We have seen His Mighty, Searching Love
Among Us
Salvation is SOOOO Real
and NEAR
Salvation IS a personal God
We can know HIM
and touch Him
and see Him.
He is Jesus.
He IS the way
He is the only solution
He is what all Life is about
THE Truth
OF Abundant,Real Life.
We praise His name
New members to the family!
It IS harvest time
Glory to God!
"I took you from the ends of the earth,
from its farthest corners I called you.
I said, ‘You are my servant’;
I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
“All who rage against you
will surely be ashamed and disgraced;
those who oppose you
will be as nothing and perish.
Though you search for your enemies,
you will not find them.
Those who wage war against you
will be as nothing at all.
For I am the Lord, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you.
Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob,
O little Israel,
for I myself will help you,” declares the Lord,
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.
“See, I will make you into a threshing sledge,
new and sharp, with many teeth.
You will thresh the mountains and crush them,
and reduce the hills to chaff.
You will winnow them, the wind will pick them up,
and a gale will blow them away.
But you will rejoice in the Lord
and glory in the Holy One of Israel.
“The poor and needy search for water,
but there is none;
their tongues are parched with thirst.
But I the Lord will answer them;
I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.
I will make rivers flow on barren heights,
and springs within the valleys.
I will turn the desert into pools of water,
and the parched ground into springs.
I will put in the desert
the cedar and the acacia, the myrtle and the olive.
I will set pines in the wasteland,
the fir and the cypress together,
so that people may see and know,
may consider and understand,
that the hand of the Lord has done this,
that the Holy One of Israel has created it."
(Isaiah 41:9-20)
We KNOW who holds you
He holds us too
Love for ALWAYS,
Mama GG and Daddy Richard
One Thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To Behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple. Psalm 27:4
Thursday, May 27, 2010
We love you M and M
God's Presence,
M and M,
video music,
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Birthday Weekend
Happy Birthday to Graham!! Graham celebrates a this weekend--having friends over today for a bar-be-que and sports time. I loved seeing this bunch "hacky sacking" in my backyard--full heart today!! They all are so BIG now--it is SO much fun to enjoy these teen years--whoever said these were supposed to be terrible teen years? I love them!!
We declare a "hope and a future" in Jesus for our merciful son, with a heart that beats after God.
Graham has enjoyed so many things this year--basketball, cross-country, track, clarinet in the GMS band--He has a gift for keeping us laughing. He is a great friend and can relate to kids as well as adults. He cooks for all ten of us here (LOVE this kid!!) and has a mean eye for design in creative projects. He's my bargain hunting buddy too. Graham has turned out to have a real mind for business--he has started a bustling lawn-care business endevor that shows organization, responsibility, a willingness to work hard, and integrity.
He's also a hero around here to all his little siblings! The night of the floods and for days afterward he just said, lets get going, and waded among the waters with his Dad to help people and save their poccessions--he's just a wonderful kid. He serves his mama too. Without asking, he senses when people need to talk. Or rest--he shepherds little ones often. He'll also organize the garage or spend an evening with me cooking up new dishes for the family in the kitchen--he has a GIFT for keeping his room organized--AND his brothers!--gotta love this!!what would we do without you, Graham?!!
We are SO proud of you, son!
New High School Freshman--Graduated from Middle School Yesterday

Kind Brother

A Young Man and His "Annie"-Dog

13 years ago God miraculously healed Graham from an invasive bone cancer tumor. We had been told that no one could survive this diagnosis (that only looks one certain way under a microscope)--Three days after preparing our hearts for heaven for our son yet crying out for healing, God stepped in. He completely took away all illness and evidence of this disease away from our baby. Graham is now written up in Medical journals and our unbelieving doctor said, "You must have been talking to the 'Big Guy' upstairs--this is unexplainable and is making me believe that He might actually exist!!"
We are MORE than thankful for EVERY DAY we have been given with this precious son.
You're a blessing, Graham---we ALL love you very much!!
Love, Mom
We declare a "hope and a future" in Jesus for our merciful son, with a heart that beats after God.
Graham has enjoyed so many things this year--basketball, cross-country, track, clarinet in the GMS band--He has a gift for keeping us laughing. He is a great friend and can relate to kids as well as adults. He cooks for all ten of us here (LOVE this kid!!) and has a mean eye for design in creative projects. He's my bargain hunting buddy too. Graham has turned out to have a real mind for business--he has started a bustling lawn-care business endevor that shows organization, responsibility, a willingness to work hard, and integrity.
He's also a hero around here to all his little siblings! The night of the floods and for days afterward he just said, lets get going, and waded among the waters with his Dad to help people and save their poccessions--he's just a wonderful kid. He serves his mama too. Without asking, he senses when people need to talk. Or rest--he shepherds little ones often. He'll also organize the garage or spend an evening with me cooking up new dishes for the family in the kitchen--he has a GIFT for keeping his room organized--AND his brothers!--gotta love this!!what would we do without you, Graham?!!
We are SO proud of you, son!
New High School Freshman--Graduated from Middle School Yesterday
Kind Brother

A Young Man and His "Annie"-Dog

13 years ago God miraculously healed Graham from an invasive bone cancer tumor. We had been told that no one could survive this diagnosis (that only looks one certain way under a microscope)--Three days after preparing our hearts for heaven for our son yet crying out for healing, God stepped in. He completely took away all illness and evidence of this disease away from our baby. Graham is now written up in Medical journals and our unbelieving doctor said, "You must have been talking to the 'Big Guy' upstairs--this is unexplainable and is making me believe that He might actually exist!!"
We are MORE than thankful for EVERY DAY we have been given with this precious son.
You're a blessing, Graham---we ALL love you very much!!
Love, Mom
family times,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Please Pick up the Trumpets Today and....BLOW!!
A sacrefice of Praise today.
We need people to cry out for our foster kids today--would you please pray for them? We are fasting and praying for walls to come down for them today. Blow the trumpets!!
Here we are, God, come before your throne,
Dm Gm F Am
Here we are, God, come before the mercy seat
Dm Gm
I can see the lightning, I can feel the thunder
F Am
I can hear the voices proceeding from your throne
Dm Gm F Am
Twenty-four elders bowing low, casting down their crowns of gold
Dm Gm F Am
And four living creatures crying out, day and night, night and day
Dm Gm
Only one word comes to mind
F Am
There's only one word to describe
Dm Gm F Am
Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Dm Gm
There is no one like you
F Am
You are holy, holy
video music
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Love the Tucker Family? Love to Save Money? This Post Might be for You!

Our first ever fundraiser (yes we are newbies at this!!)--please help to support our family.We are selling Samaritan Cards--you gotta get you one!

Well, anyone who has been close to us this year in fellowship,family, or via blog :) has gathered that this has been QUITE a year, full of calling, miracles, movement from God for the "Tucker Ten". Its been hard, joyful, funny, cleansing, maturing --JUST where we have needed to be.
A new season has arrived here--actually Richard and I received continual, amazing confirmation for this in this past school year-- This we will share at another point--the story is too big to share in one post--BUT its coming...:)
Through our walk with the Lord in recent years, we have recognized what it looks like and feels like when the Holy Spirit is birthing something new--
He has done this several times in our life--most recently with our adoption and then the call to shelter the foster children this year.
We are getting familiar with the call to lay it down even more--to take another step out onto the water. Trust us--this new call is a biggie --and we are very humbled and prayful still. But what we CAN share at this point is the need that our family has at this moment as God is transitioning us to something new. (Genesis 12)
We are going to need to raise money to support our six children so that we can fully step even more into a missionary lifestyle. Next year we will need to be coming up with education money for them as well as many other expenses.
And in the midst of this, although our home in the back of Cottonwood was miraculously saved from the flood waters--(We actually wrote and then had to take that post down related to personal identity issues-BUT ASK us about this--it was POWERFUL!!)--The house did take on damages that are not enormous in scope but enormous in cost to our large family that already lives on Faith.
We are now needing to replace Two AC units (found that out today),a water heater, duct work, drywalling rooms,rebuilding costs... But that's the exciting part!! We KNOW that we know that we know that God has His hand on us. We KNOW that He has called us to a specific ministry and that what He calls His people to He WILL complete--how many adoptive families out there have I testified of this too? I stand on those words, y'all. We are asking God for notable miracles. After all we are the family who prayed for grocery provision at a point this year and by that night God had black plastic trash bags of bread DELIVERED to our doorstep!!(see our post--The bread lady for that story) We declare His faithfulness of the past and stand in the middle of His goodness. We believe He's about to send us into what He's called us to.
As a first step of sorts, believing that God is going to bring to us what we need to do what He has asked of us, we are having our first ever fund-raiser-- Samaritan Cards.
Please consider buying a Samaritan Card from our family.
This is a discount card that gives you access to reusable coupons to merchants, restaurants, auto repair, online shopping, recreation, and travel coupons tailored to your zipcode.
The savings are truly great--we are impressed with ours!! 10-50 percent savings and if you do not save 20 dollars in a year your Samaritan Cards will refund your money back.
Look at this link below at participating merchants--there are SO many!!--
We have activated our Samaritan Card and some of our favs so far have been
10 percent off online shopping to Target
10 percent off reuable coupon to La Hacienda down the street--Richard's and my escape of choice for a date dinner
Grocery Coupons--a best friend of sorts for a Mama of 10 :)
Best Buys
We thought the Maggie Moos would be great for summer fun.
There's coupons to the local bowling alley that can be reused all summer, to discount parks too.
If you click on the below link and put in your zipcode--you don't have to live near us or even in our state--you can see the goodies near you or available online.
Check it out!
Participating Merchants
If you would like to purchase a card, they are $20.00 (no tax).
Please pay us by Pay Pal button on the sidebar and we will mail your card to you right away.
Please mail us your address at
and we will mail it out to you right away.
If God lays our family further on your heart, we are able to receive further donations as well via our Pay Pal account--or you could buy multiple cards and give as gifts :).
This particular fundraiser will only be available for several weeks--if you are led to support us we are incredibly grateful!
Grace and Love,
Friday, May 7, 2010
God of the City--Must See Music Video
We believe and pray in the greater things to come for this city.
Love to our precious city and its amazing people.
Love, Gillian
Nashville Flood,
Prophetic Prayer,
video music
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Heart Ensurance--in the Storm

Remarkable outpouring of love and manpower still in our neighborhood. This photo was taken as the water was receding from being up at mailbox level.
As we gathered items--mainly clothing to give to a four year old girl who's family has lost their home in a sudden house fire the night of the flooding, Ava said,
"Mommy!! Now L--- is just like me! I didna have a home in Etopia. There were no toys. I lived on the ground. Mommy, does L--- live on the ground now? Mommy, does L--- still have a Mommy and a family?--oh,oh,oh, cause when I didna have a Mommy and a family and a house and a family God saw me. He told you to come get me."
Suddenly a third world location and my Western suburb were not so different--in the heart of a time of trouble--the first place a little girl's heart goes is to "Where is my Mommy? Where is my Daddy? Where is my family? Is what is priceless still in place?"
And me as well...the only place to run in recent storms was into my Heavenly Father's lap. He says He is "very near" in trouble. I stand here. I bank my very life on this. "In Him we live and breathe and have our being."
As I stand here, I know that everything in our lives has to go through my Father's hands. Look in the book of Job to find this--even the lightning has to report to Him. And, in the book of Revelation, it shows that it is Christ that who has to open the seals before any new time season begins -- all of Heaven and Earth has to wait for this--He's in charge--has all the authority.
Trouble--"labor pains" as the Bible calls them, on the Earth,here in our daily lives, draw more of the power of, more of the glory of God out of His child's life--confirming His love and provision and salvation for them in a VERY REAL,NEAR way.
I believe we have not seen the end of them. Times like what have come to our local community and many other examples in our national and global news bulletins are examples that like storm warnings pointing to a greater storm--
Just as many of us in Tennessee looked up in the sky the other day and sought shelter when we saw the lighting and felt the cascade of rain and saw the circular tornadic activity on our radar images -- knew what kind of weather was out there--there are "weather patterns"--hints and warnings that God has clearly given us that we can understand and take shelter in Him --to get ready for the greater trials that will come before Jesus returns to the Earth. Now's the time to ready our hearts. To ask for more of God's Presence, to ask the Holy Spirit to fill us up with His oil so we will be burning brightly now and during times to come (Read Billy Graham's new book, Storm Warning about this or Matthew 24 or 2 Timothy 3:1-5, or Thessalonians to discern the times that we are in.)
Trouble can also be highly effective to shepherd hearts who may have been distant from God back into His arms.
OR into His Salvation for the very first time!--One man in our neighborhood was saved by Jesus on the night of the floods--as he prayed to Christ for the first time-
-the presence of the Lord came upon him and he was literally "flooded" in another way!!--
This precious man is now telling everyone he speaks to that God saved him on that night-- in every way--he's on fire!! His whole persona is saturated with the beauty of Jesus--its utterly beautiful and strikes my heart with Awe. May trouble be well used, may it bring many to lasting treasure--relationship with a very real God and Savior who desires us near to Him--who considers us great treasure--who put Himself in trauma and trouble to ensure our safety in Him forever--He'll do ANYTHING to search us out and draw us close at times.
I know and declare that this is true:
"The Lord is good, a strong place in the day of trouble; and he has knowledge of those who take him for their safe cover."
Deep down inside,
We are safe.
We are covered.
Can separate us,
From the love of God,
In Christ Jesus
Toward us.
A Home is not my ultimate shelter,
For my shelter resides with me always.
And,I can take shelter at ANY moment,
Be it in storms,
or in pressure,
or trial,
or tribulation,
In what is
Ever- lasting,
and very True.
Christ IS my home.
He is ALL that I need.
Since He is in me,
And I am in Him,
I am always
Love to you,
Nashville Flood--ava's story,
video music
Monday, May 3, 2010
The waters did not pass our threshold--although our garage area took about 5 feet of water and we are pumping out the crawl space--our house is dry. This is especially humbling for our home is the only dry home on our road. About 20-30 other homes have lost their entire first floors in their homes. We have spent the day working among our dear neighbors. Three families around us have lost their homes to fire as well. Please pray for them. Many people have been very tender to reaching out toward Jesus in this time.
We are thanking Him and serving in whatever way we can--only one family of many lost in a flow of outpouring today--we have seen the National Guard, police, electric company, contractors offering free services, young people with gloves on, cars filled with water bottles, a lady who had fixed sandwhiches and the back of her car looked like a vendor on wheels--just giving it away...such manpower as well--about 100s of people are ripping out wet insulation, floor boards, dry wall down our street--children are drying personal photos on towels and are running errands for bigger people--it is breathtaking--. Real Life, y'all--we are amazed and blown away by the love that God is pouring out through people today.
We are thanking Him and serving in whatever way we can--only one family of many lost in a flow of outpouring today--we have seen the National Guard, police, electric company, contractors offering free services, young people with gloves on, cars filled with water bottles, a lady who had fixed sandwhiches and the back of her car looked like a vendor on wheels--just giving it away...such manpower as well--about 100s of people are ripping out wet insulation, floor boards, dry wall down our street--children are drying personal photos on towels and are running errands for bigger people--it is breathtaking--. Real Life, y'all--we are amazed and blown away by the love that God is pouring out through people today.
God's Presence,
Nashville Flood
Sunday, May 2, 2010
When the Waters Come
As I write this post flooding has come to our neighborhood at least 20 homes are flooded. Last night we received a frantic call from the precious lady who rents our home in the back of our neighborhood--the Harpeth River--which is normally about 200 feet from our home was encroaching quickly--it was already at our neighbors back doors. We sent Richard, Graham, and Big M. out into the night to hoist furniture up stairs and to carry out children and animals down our street which in an hours' time became knee deep, then as high as the mailboxes--as high as Richard's waist (he's a 6 foot 5 inch guy!!). My men came home hours later, after the police and firemen had declared that the homes be evacuated and after securing them as much as possible at the time... During this time tornado sirens rang out in addition to the storm and one of our precious neighbor's, The Lowry's house caught on fire and the fire department could not get enought pressure out of their hoses. Their home has now burned to the ground. As Mrs. Lowry stood with her family and watched the blaze of her home it is reported that she told a neighbor, "It is just stuff. I'm thankful my family is O.K."
This is one of those times that you see on T.V. on the evening news--there is actually an incredible peace to being a child of God in the midst of a "disaster area". We are as helpless to hold back the water as the sticks I see being swept past our house--But we have a great settledness and confidence that we are covenant children of the MIGHTY God who originally made ALL the boundary lines for water and said to the sea, "You may NOT pass this line." He is the same God who stood in the middle of the Red Sea and made the waters RECEDE on either side--drying it up for His people to walk through on dry land.
Our afflictions are eclipsed by His glory. Our fears are nothing compared to His Greater Love and Power in us.
As my Richard hoisted I gathered up and comforted children in the storm and snuggled them all up into blankets on the first floor last night. Then it was time to praise God. To give Him a sacrefice of Praise. This is our only option when the "storms" come. We have asked big and bold requests of our Father who loves us so much through His perfect son--I'm so glad to know Him personally --He is a real and present friend--He is more real than our closest friend.
The physical rain is still falling at this posting--We are not afraid--we are asking for God to keep us dry and safe--to make a boundary line for our property--we are praying against what our eyes see. But what is more important is that He is to be glorified--in the storms of life--May more of Him come out through the harder times in our lives--and may He also create notable miracles among HIs people that would bring many souls to Himself--to bring MORE glory to Him--that's the point of Life after all--that more Glory would come to Him.
Last Night as I was pressing in to worship and intercession I heard a song with lyrics like this,
Be near me God
Depths are High to You
Dark is Light to You
Far is Near to You
Lord I need to Hear from You
You are Near
He is EVEN closer to us in these times--He actually promises to be "near" and to "carry" us. I trust Him. May our hearts continually be "flooded" by Him.
Please pray that God will push back the flood waters for our family, for our neighbors, for our town and area. Sweet little beautiful Franklin is now waist deep in flood water in the down town streets. There are people in canoes in my neighborhood... And if you are in the local area, its worth a drive out there--if its safe!!-- to see what some of your neighbors are going through--whole neighborhoods are water-logged--please assist as you can. Many will need help with clean up of debris and water logging, and cleaning out homes. Many will need meals. I was just at the local grocery and many of the people, while bonded in this time of disaster--were looking dazed --now is a fruitful time to share God's heart and love with them. Come work among God's people here to help them--come share true hope with those who do not know God and who may be crying out desparately for Him--please be praying for these specific families--that God would use this time to "flood" their hearts with PURE, living water for the first time--with an "overflow" of His Presence and real, saving Power.
We've just filled the bathtubs, baby pool,washing machine and all available containers in the house after hearing the water system could be compromised here in our town. We are heading out the door to check the status of our house right now--at 3:00 the water was at the threshold...we are praying it down with the only true weapons/tools in a time like this that actually work--God's wonderful, active,powerful name and His Word...
Please lift up our foster children at this time--unsettled times are especially stressful for them...
Psalm 32:6+7
"Therefore let everyone who is Godly Pray to you while you may be found;
surely when the mighty waters rise, they will not reach him.
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance."
Because He is here, we are and will be O.K.
Blessings and real Grace to all who are in the middle of this storm situation.
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