Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Soul Food

Hey!! You don't want to miss this one!!


What would you say if I said you were being offered an early inheritance?


Here's a gift today--a simple, powerful introduction to the person of the Holy Spirit and how to know Him, very personally in your life.


Richard and I were blessed by this message--it speaks to what we are enjoying on a day-to-day basis here these days--hope it blesses you too!

The lesson, from our church, Grace Chapel of Leiper's Fork, TN, comes after the music--you can move the ticker ahead if you need to time-wise--however the singing would be a blessing too--it was a joyful Sunday in the congregation that day.

Blessings to you!


If you are blessed by this teaching--grab the one on the same site from this past Sunday--it was a practical and wonderful lauch from the first message.

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