One Thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, To Behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple. Psalm 27:4
Saturday, November 28, 2009
First Thanksgiving then SHOUTS of Praise!!
FIRST we are so Thankful for THIS:
A member of our household accepted Jesus as her Savior yesterday--it was Glorious!! Thank you Jesus!! The first "fish" I have ever seen who just "jumped into the boat"! We give God noisy,joyful praise and thanksgiving for saving this soul He brought into our midst this August--Wow--the ultimate of privileges to watch Him bring lambs into His fold--(Ezekial 34) THAT's WHY we adopt and foster--THAT's IT!!!The reason for laying our life down for kids--lives saved from the inside out--its just not about beds or filling up bellies--we have done this--but it is so superseded by the eternal reward and glory of real salvation in an endlessly loving Father God who has searched for these precious hearts, made in His image--searched all over His world to find them--then He carries them home--through our home--On His shoulders shouting, "Come, celebrate with me!! I have found one who is my own!!" Oh, what a party we had yesterday in our kitchen, just jumping up and down with this precious girl who wants to be a Bride of the coming Christ!--She now has FOREVER family--from fostering to adopted into THE KINGs family--WOW--I'm just undone. And that we are now true family with this beautiful one is the gift of gifts--that God can do that in a moment and keep it into eternity--words can't express what a miracle Salvation is!! Thanksgiving for the Savior's eternal gift of His presence and salvation--WOW!!
Our second thanksgiving is a very speedy answer to our request for transportation for the Tucker Ten. In less than a week God showered His care on us via the Edge community--our foster children's home church. We were blown away by a generous offering that they took up for the ministry God has gotten going here in our home. In addition, a loving family member placed another generous gift in Richard's hand this week--we were able to not only fix the Suburban's transmission but have more to apply to other family needs--What an incredible blessing--we praise our sweet Abba-- His care comes right on time -- EVERY TIME--that's why we consider it so important to praise Him even before we see the answers to our prayers and needs--He doesn't need to prove His goodness to us but we sure are thankful for it!!!!!!
So thankful to be God's kids! There's no other place to live. We bless our sweet Daddy's name!!!!!
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful to him, and bless his name.
I'll send our silly photos of Thanksgiving times tomorrow but for today a mighty SHOUT of thanks was in order!!
Much Love, Gillian
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Its Just a Matter of Time...Tucker Car Need :)

We are blogging to give you front seats to a miracle! I have just received a phone call from Richard saying that our Suburban just "died" in Mount Eagle, TN on the way back from going to a family wedding in Atlanta. This is hitting me with such joy--yes, I said joy!! A year ago both of our cars died at the same time and we had none for a week until God stepped in and provided for 2 cars for our family. He's about to provide again!! I can't wait to see what He's up to.
Being a missionary-type family these days we are finding out OVER and OVER how God brings in what we need RIGHT ON TIME. Just this week He has already shown up at our home with a car load and 2 laundry baskets full of food on the very day we wondered how we would fill our pantry this month--then He showered on more suprise blessings on Richard in Atlanta, SURELY this car situation is not a problem that is beyond His incredible scope!! He is aware and loves the fact that we now need to lean on Him for our transportation needs as well.
We already have been stretching it --not fitting into our mini van and even the Suburban with the 8 kids now and have been praying for God to provide a 12-15 passenger van for our famiy--perhaps this is not lack we are experiencing but a movement of grace to receive more of what we need.
I'm writing now because this takes a measure of Faith in Him to declare that I truly believe He is loving us largly in this moment and that He has this all under control--we are not alarmed or depressed--He has taken too good of care of us in the past for that type of anxiety--I do believe that we will have a miracle report to share with you all this week--whether that is that He provides for the Suburban to be fixed or provides another vehicle. Please pray for us as we wait on God to provide for us. He loves us just as much now with one car for 10 people as He did when we had 2 cars--He's a loving provider.
If God may be prompting you as you read this to be hands that He uses to provide a vehicle or funding towards it, please contact Richard at or 615-545-2265.
We believe the Bible when it says, "Call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know of yet."
And as God is so GOOD to do, He is strongly pressing this song on my heart and lips right now--please receive it as a gift from my full heart today.
Love, Gillian
Like a rushing river am I
Like a raging torrent inside
I find that I'm full of knowing nothing
I find that I hunger for the fullness of Christ
Like a rushing river am I
Like a raging torrent inside
I find that I"m free-falling again
I'm letting go of the mountain view
Letting go, but what into?
Like a rushing river am I
Like a raging torrent inside
I find that I'm full of knowing nothing
I find that I'm hungry for the fullness of Christ
Like a rushing river am I
Like a raging torrent inside
I find that I"m free-falling again
I'm letting go of the mountain view
Letting go, but what into?
I've been crucified with Christ
I've been crucified with Christ
I've been crucified with Christ
Yet not I, but one thing I know
You make all things beautiful
You make all things beautiful
You make all things beautiful
Just in time
Just in time
You make all things beautiful
You make all things beautiful
You make all things beautiful
Just in time
It's just a matter of time, time
It's just a matter of time
So into Your hands
Into Your hands I fall
Into Your hands
Into Your hands I fall
Into Your hands
So into Your hands I fall
For You make all things beautiful
You make all things beautiful
You make all things beautiful
Just in time
It's just a matter of time, time, time
It's just a matter of time, time, time
On You I wait
On You I wait
On You I wait
All of my days
And on You I wait
On You I wait always
On You I wait
All of my days
All of my days
No one who waits on You will ever be ashamed
No one who waits will ever be disappointed
It's just a matter of time
It's just a matter of time
So calm down, my soul
Calm down and know
So calm down, my soul
Calm down and know
His yoke is easy
His burden is light
It simply costs everything
But it's not too mysterious
It's not for the wise in their own eyes
It's not for the mighty of the rich
But He has saved Himself for me
But He has saved Himself for me
So calm down, my soul
Just calm down and know
Just calm down, my soul
Just calm down and know
No one who waits on the Lord will ever be ashamed
For wisdom will be justified
In just a matter of time, time, time
It's just a matter of time, time, time
And You make all things beautiful
You make all things beautiful
You make all things beautiful
Just in time
It's just a matter of time
It's just a matter of time
Calm down, my soul
Be quiet within me
And put your trust in God
From where your help comes from
From where your help comes from
Just calm down, my soul, and wait
It's just a matter of time
It's just a matter of time
Saturday, November 21, 2009
BIIIG Shirt and Smiley Thanks
Smiles from you today :)
Posting some thankfulness as we head into Thanksgiving week.
These photos are from Father's Day 2008 but they are so precious just had to share them today.
The children are wearing Daddy's shirt.

Reminds me of what we must look like to Jesus as we are growing up clothed in His Righteousness,approval, delight, and compassion. And this is what we are most thankful for--to be in His family!!
Thankful for times like last night when my Mom came to babysit while my Dad and I went out on a "date" how sweet is that?! You never grow too old to adore being with your Dad! Again, thanksgiving...
Thankful for the provision for our big crew.
We are living off of and in His miracles every day. I would'nt have it any other way!
Thankful for all the laughter and Life God is bringing to our home --
Thankful that He has brought the mission field literally to our door
The M. children are FREE!!!!!!
Thank you for your prayers for them.
And PLEASE continue to pray them home.
Thier rescue was powerful and miraculous--so the hand of God.
We can't wait to love on them!!!!!!!!!
See Tracy's blog, Unveiled Faces, on the side bar to the right of this post!
Oh, how thankful we are in the amazing rescuing hand of our Father!!!!
Thankful, Thankful, Thankful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posting some thankfulness as we head into Thanksgiving week.
These photos are from Father's Day 2008 but they are so precious just had to share them today.
The children are wearing Daddy's shirt.

Reminds me of what we must look like to Jesus as we are growing up clothed in His Righteousness,approval, delight, and compassion. And this is what we are most thankful for--to be in His family!!
Thankful for times like last night when my Mom came to babysit while my Dad and I went out on a "date" how sweet is that?! You never grow too old to adore being with your Dad! Again, thanksgiving...
Thankful for the provision for our big crew.
We are living off of and in His miracles every day. I would'nt have it any other way!
Thankful for all the laughter and Life God is bringing to our home --
Thankful that He has brought the mission field literally to our door
The M. children are FREE!!!!!!
Thank you for your prayers for them.
And PLEASE continue to pray them home.
Thier rescue was powerful and miraculous--so the hand of God.
We can't wait to love on them!!!!!!!!!
See Tracy's blog, Unveiled Faces, on the side bar to the right of this post!
Oh, how thankful we are in the amazing rescuing hand of our Father!!!!
Thankful, Thankful, Thankful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Living Water 4 U
May I Pray for You?
Lately, God has been pressing on my heart that some of you have the need for someone to lift you up in prayer. If you have any prayer needs large or small please feel free to email me personally at a new email account I have just created for intercession. I will personally and seriously take your request before God and will pray over you through using God's Word (the Bible) as well. Any requests would be held in strict confidentiality.
Love and Grace,
Let my prayer come to you, O Lord; give ear to my requests for your grace; keep faith with me, and give me an answer in your righteousness...
Psalm 143:1
Monday, November 9, 2009
Richard's BIG day!!
SOMEBODY just had a BIG birthday!! Entrance into a new decade :)! Happy Birthday to a Godly, Tender, Courageous, Joyful, Hard-Workin' man. We honor my Husband, our Dad, and , "Mr. Richard" this -- you are God's blessing to us!! Love you, Hon!!
Affectionate Father

Hero and Champion!!

Hands-on Dad

Man of Faith--Passing Truth to a New Generation

Ever the Awesome Coach

Love, Gillian
Affectionate Father

Hero and Champion!!

Hands-on Dad

Man of Faith--Passing Truth to a New Generation

Ever the Awesome Coach

Love, Gillian
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Glue in You
All Things Hold Together in Christ
Be Encouraged today, precious people,
For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.
He is before all things and in Him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:16:17)
Now Let's Worship Him!--How can we not?
Blessings in our Amazing Jesus,
Be Encouraged today, precious people,
For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.
He is before all things and in Him all things hold together. (Colossians 1:16:17)
Now Let's Worship Him!--How can we not?
Blessings in our Amazing Jesus,
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Our Family's Theme Song--Please be Blessed With this Video!
This is our family's theme song these days--can you see why?
Our God can be downright obvious/even humorous when He wants to get our attention!!
The night we made the decision to take in our 2 new foster children, Richard went to a gala hosted by our Adoption Agency, AWAA. Brit Nicole was the featured guest that night. Late that evening Richard called home, I could hear this song in the background. "Gillian," he whispered in a voice choked by tears,"do you hear that, Gill? Lets go get em."
Ever since, in almost EVERY instance where we have rejoiced over the miracle of these children or needed to be encouraged to keep going, THIS song has played--either over Christian radio--or floating in from my children's IPODs or just in "random" places--coming on RIGHT as we pile in the car from a family hike or starting just as Richard and I drive off to complete a tough task for DCS requirements, playing in the house as we deliberate on tough issues or wipe tears away in discouragement. "Stand Back UP, Sweet Children--the Lost Get Found--I'm not giving up on them. I'm not giving up on you..." we hear the Spirit tell us. Often its RIGHT in the middle of a crisis or an amazing victory--
By now the intent of encouragement from the hand of the Lord with this song is SO obvious that our preschoolers and our new foster children are cheering as they hear it come on!! Truly a family fav.!! :)
The Lost Get Found--for sure!!
AND He is so faithful to Keep saving us EVERY day--
He just won't let us give up on plans that He has started
cause what he wills He completes--
making sure we are enduring to the end--
that the found STAY found.
Nothing can snatch them from the Savior's hands!!
And for that, I am so grateful.
If you find yourself Lost, Know HE is searching to FIND you today,
And if you are blessed to be of the number of the FOUND,
Thank Him,
Reach out to His Lost Ones,
For you are held SO tightly--He does anything to keep you near and strengthened --even if that may include singing to you from the radio every day :)!! Listen for how He may be speaking to you.
Much Love today to the Lost and Found,
Lyrics to The Lost Get Found by Brit Nicole
Hello my friend
I remember when you were
So alive with your wide eyes
Then the light that you had in your heart was stolen
Now you say that it ain't worth stayin'
You wanna run but you're hesitatin'
I'm talkin' to me
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found
So when you get the chance
Are you gonna take it?
There's a really big world at your fingertips
And you know you have the chance to change it
There's a girl on the streets, she's cryin'
There's a man whose faith is dyin'
Love is calling you
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found
Why do we go with the flow
Or take an easier road?
Why are we playin' it safe?
Love came to show us the way
Love is a chance we should take
I'm movin' out of the way
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
(Stand out)
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire burn out
(Stand out)
'Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
The lost get found
So when you get the chance
Are you gonna take it?
There's a really big world at your fingertips
And you know you have the chance to change it
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fullness at His Feet
Play the triangle at the bottom of this frame to hear the song...
Servant of All by Misty Edwards
I wanna be with You
where You are
You're the Servant of all
I'm in love with a King
who became a slave
And I'm love with a God
who is humble
And you gotta go down
if you wanna go up
And you've got to go lower
if you want to go higher and higher
And you've got to hide and do it in secret
if you wanna be seen by God
Cos' it's the inside, outside, upside down kingdom
where you lose to gain and you die to live
I wanna be Your lover
so show me how to go how to go lower
For in the depths I will find You
where You're serving my brothers
It's not easy laying it down every day.
Its sooo hard...
Choosing to go into or to stay in places where pain or the woundedness of the world is found... Many times recently I have wanted to shake off the yucky places of this world and just walk on by--maybe sprint back to the comfortable places where I know life "worked so well".
A daily challenge.
I need this reminder and God has been speaking it so clearly to me in the past months:
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world,yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:24-26
One thing I have and I am currently experiencing however is, the "finding" of Life (in surrender or service that lays "me" aside) is so much greater than the losing. Real satisfaction, true JOY, amazing fellowship with a living God bubbles up here--that living water Jesus talked about.
I was just reminded today that life through/in Christ is like a river that rushes to the lowest place.
The lower the place,
the fuller it will become with His living water
(the fullness of His presence)
as His river of living water rushes in.
That's where I want to choose to be...
May we make conscious decisions to go to the lower place
--instead of
the shining place,
or maybe the pleasurable place,
the place of escape,
the prominent place,
the place at the top of that social ladder,
the place of revelling in our own giftings,
or, perhaps,a place of savouring past hurts and wounds,
perhaps a place that only may contain our own desires and wants
--the list could go on and on--
and yet--
there's a different destination than what our culture and time, "the world" has to offer--
but where we'll find the sweetness of our His feet...
pouring out our lives
like water...
and finding that
in the Deep Waters there...
Servant Of All - Misty Edwards from Forerunner Music on Vimeo.
Servant of All by Misty Edwards
I wanna be with You
where You are
You're the Servant of all
I'm in love with a King
who became a slave
And I'm love with a God
who is humble
And you gotta go down
if you wanna go up
And you've got to go lower
if you want to go higher and higher
And you've got to hide and do it in secret
if you wanna be seen by God
Cos' it's the inside, outside, upside down kingdom
where you lose to gain and you die to live
I wanna be Your lover
so show me how to go how to go lower
For in the depths I will find You
where You're serving my brothers
It's not easy laying it down every day.
Its sooo hard...
Choosing to go into or to stay in places where pain or the woundedness of the world is found... Many times recently I have wanted to shake off the yucky places of this world and just walk on by--maybe sprint back to the comfortable places where I know life "worked so well".
A daily challenge.
I need this reminder and God has been speaking it so clearly to me in the past months:
"If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it. What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world,yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:24-26
One thing I have and I am currently experiencing however is, the "finding" of Life (in surrender or service that lays "me" aside) is so much greater than the losing. Real satisfaction, true JOY, amazing fellowship with a living God bubbles up here--that living water Jesus talked about.
I was just reminded today that life through/in Christ is like a river that rushes to the lowest place.
The lower the place,
the fuller it will become with His living water
(the fullness of His presence)
as His river of living water rushes in.
That's where I want to choose to be...
May we make conscious decisions to go to the lower place
--instead of
the shining place,
or maybe the pleasurable place,
the place of escape,
the prominent place,
the place at the top of that social ladder,
the place of revelling in our own giftings,
or, perhaps,a place of savouring past hurts and wounds,
perhaps a place that only may contain our own desires and wants
--the list could go on and on--
and yet--
there's a different destination than what our culture and time, "the world" has to offer--
but where we'll find the sweetness of our His feet...
pouring out our lives
like water...
and finding that
in the Deep Waters there...
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