Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksful Testimony!!!

God brought a miracle into my life this past week. :) I had been wrestling with 40ish eyesight.  For the first time in my life I was dealing with having to bring literature up REALLY close to my eyes to make out the words...not  great for a girl who LOVES reading and is teaching a couple to read at home right now...and helps out at school in the library--not to mention ALL the other inconveniences this was creating...

Last Sunday at church, a young woman testified to God dramatically healing her eyesight after she asked to for her sight to be cleared so that she would not have to wear her corrective lenses anymore. Soon after this, there was an opportunity to receive prayer for healing in the name of Jesus right there in our seats.  As I raised my hand, asking God for healing for my eyes among other health inquiries, I felt the real presence of the Holy Spirit as several people laid hands on me and prayed.  It was a simple prayer time...they prayed silently...I may never know who each of them was...all I knew was that the heavy presence of God pressed on me with such nearness as they prayed for me...

  In a moment, as I opened my eyes, I could read the bulletin's fine print..AND the Bible that lay in my lap WITHOUT picking it UP ..AND I could clearly see people's faces ACROSS the room!!  All week long I have been thanking Jesus for healing my eyes.  I was especially thankful as my mom and I cooked Thanksgiving dinner that I could clearly SEE handwritten recipe cards and the small print on the can labels...I was again blessed to read little notes from the kiddos to one another ~ and my Favorite blessing was being able to read my Bible in bed again before sleep in the SOFT light of the lamp nearby!!

    What particularly struck my heart this week was that no healing desire is insignificant in God's eyes.  And, that we do not have to just resign ourselves to "all" the little " problems" that "just come" with the  "territory" of the"aging process".  I have NOThING against aging!! ~ but desire to be a Caleb that walks into the promised land with a spring in my step at a very old and green age. :) I hope you feel free to ask our loving Father for the desires of your heart that could be related to healing needs.  He loves to heal and He LOVES you so!

"And He healed them ALL..."

(Mt. 12:15,Mt. 4:23,Mt 12:22,Mt. 9:35)

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