Saturday, May 9, 2009

Small Things , Great Love

"Love Comes--From God."

Recently, within some whirling circumstances, God's been reminding me that He is not found in the whirlwind but in the quiet voice who speaks a simple command. Just Love. Love the Lord God with all your heart. Love your Neighbor as yourself--Everything is included in this. All direction, all command, for all of life--Really.

And there's the sobering reminder as well. If we have not love, what we ARE, what we DO, what we are FOR, what we SAY is declared to be NOTHING --as if we were only a gonging cymbol or a clanging drum--just noise makers. And oh, I don't want that!!

Late this morning, my boys spent an hour and a half beating on a drum set, a set of African drums, and also a kettle drum that we found at a yard sale today. Our home vibrated with the sounds of "clashing" --shaking--much noise!! The walls were just waving with clanging Vibes!! (Kudos to all you parents out there who have purchased drum lessons for thier sons!! or who have had bands in their garages...) But it made me think--what plays in the "garage" of my life---what sounds are coming out of the walls of the home that God has made of my heart? I must be ever asking God to search me show me (Psalm 139) to not let my noise drown out His music in me. Oh, may our lives reverberate with true,real love that comes only from God and not from noisy clanging around.

I love this sister's perspective:

... (a drunk man speaking to her in London)...'Oh after so long, the warmth of a human hand!' " and his face lit up. And his face was different. I only want to say that small things, done in great love, bring joy and peace...
Prayer enlarges the heart until it is capable of containing God's gift of Himself. Ask and seek, and your heart will grow big enough to receive Him and to keep Him as your own. Wherever God has put you, that is your vocation. It is not what we do but how much love we put into it." (Mother Theresa--My Life For the Poor pg.49)

"But how much love we put into it". So simple. It boils down the essense of life. God's love available to us, in us, and for others through His LIFE in us. What do we KNOW--really? What can we DO--really? What can we do but "put love into it"(His Love)--and then it is SOMETHING--it is REAL--it is LASTING--it comes from God.

"Love comes from God"

Love, Gillian

P.S. Please continue to pray for the Mihnovich children's release and for a covering of protection for them. The video on Tracy's blog to the right of this post--(click on the picture of the hands that has the 4 children's names to see it)--is heart wrenching and eye opening and only a glimpse into these childrens' story and plight.

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